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Best Products
Dr. Strickland has personally used each of these products with success. If the heading says "shop or choose ", it means she has used this type of product but you may shop for what works for your style.
All products are sold through other companies with a small commission received by us. Please consider coming through this portal for all your shopping needs as portions of the commission go to scholarships for those struggling with weight and health issues who would otherwise not be able to choose this program.
Plant-Based Diets Must Include
B12 for MTHFR
Added MTHFR help
Mason jars are perfect for infused water and blender made dressings, sauces, and smoothies
Shop your perfect food scale and body scale to fit your home.
It's important to have non-toxic, properly portioned containers and plates while adjusting to your perfect body-energy balnce.
Increase your odds of a salad or greens opportunity!
The research is in! Energy Intake Journals WORK!! Have fun choosing one for every step of your way.
When numbers help inspire! Get moving!
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